***************************************** Installation and Execution of MediCurator ***************************************** You can easily install Mediurator with only a few staps. First, you need to get a copy of MediCurator from the following website https://bitbucket.org/BMI/medicurator. Here is the quick start. Set the Constants ################# Basicly, the user should set the following the arguments. 1. Set the API_KEY in ./config.sh 2. Set DATA_BASE_DIR in ./src/main/java/edu/emory/bmi/medicurator/Constants.java 3. Set PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT if necessary. The user can choose use HdfsStorage or LocalStorage by changing STORAGE (hdfs/local) in Constants.java. To use HDFS, you should config HDFS_URI and HDFS_BASEDIR in Constants.java. For example, HDFS_URI = "hdfs://localhost:9000/" and HDFS_BASEDIR = "/user/xxx/medicurator/" Building and Executing Using Apache Maven 3.3.x ############################################### **Building** $./compile.sh **Testing** $mvn test **Run web application** $./run_servlet.sh It is expected to have the TCIA_API_KEY set in the Constants.java to build with tests. The webapp runs at http://localhost:2222/Index You may want to run $mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="edu.emory.bmi.medicurator.infinispan.StartInfinispan" first so that data you hava stored beforehand won't be lost although the web server has been closed. **Run Restful API** $./run_api.sh Extend or leverage the exposed APIs, or simply test using a REST client such as the Postman Chrome application. Dependencies ############ This project depends on the below major projects. 1. Infinispan 8.2 stable 2. dcm4che 3 3. Apache HTTP Client 4. Tomcat 7 5. Hadoop 2.7.2 6. Spark Java 2.5